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God Has Spoken Series

Question: Where can I get the audio messages of Stephen Kaung's God Has Spoken series?

If I could recommend only one book or series by Stephen Kaung it would be his God Has Spoken series. He shared a message for each book of the Bible, giving a simple overview and revealing the way to find Christ as you read. It is not only his classic set but it's His way with the Scriptures. Our brother could always find Christ and find Him as He's meant to be found. For a new believer and an old believer, this is the first set to have as guide through the Bible and a reference set to go back to later on. 

Below are links to each of the original messages.  

Old Testament 

Genesis -The Will of God

Exodus -The Works of God

Leviticus - The Ways of God

Numbers -The Walk of God

Deuteronomy - The Word of God

Joshua - Possessing the Land 

Judges - Possessing all the Possessions

Ruth - Recovery of the Inheritance

I Samuel - Epoch-Making Vessel

II Samuel - A Man After God’s Heart

I Kings - Wisdom and Prophetic Ministry

II Kings - Spiritual Leadership

I Chronicles - A Love for the House of God

II Chronicles - Wisdom to Build the House of God

Ezra - Rebuilding and Beautifying the House of God

Nehemiah - Building the Wall and Strengthening Corporate Living

Esther - God’s Providential Care

Job - The Benevolent Government of God and Suffering

Psalms - Praise and Worship

Proverbs - Conduct and Daily Life

Ecclesiastes - Fear God, Keep His Commandments

Song of Songs - The Love of God in Christ Jesus

Isaiah - Prophet of Faith

Jeremiah - Prophet of Love

Lamentations - God of Mercy

Ezekiel - Prophet of Hope

Daniel - God is My Judge

Hosea - The Love of God

Joel - The Great Mercy of God

Amos - The Roar of Jehovah

Obadiah - The Kingdom Shall Be Jehovah’s

Jonah - God is Merciful

Micah - Who is a God like unto Thee?

Nahum - The Severity of God

Habakkuk - The Just Shall Live by Faith

Zephaniah - Judgement

Haggai - Rebuilding the House of God

Zechariah - Return to the Lord

Malachi - Repentance

New Testament

Matthew - Seeing Christ As Our King

Mark - Seeing Christ As God's Servant

Luke - Seeing Christ As The Son Of Man

John - Seeing Christ As The Son Of God

Acts - Seeing Christ In The Body

Romans - Seeing Christ In The Gospel

I Corinthians - Seeing Christ Through Problems

II Corinthians - Seeing Christ in Spirituality

Galatians - Seeing Christ Through Errors

Ephesians - Seeing Christ in The Church

Philippians - Seeing Christ in Christian Experience

Colossians - Seeing Christ as the Fullness of God

I Thessalonians - Seeing Christ in His Parousia

II Thessalonians - Seeing Christ in the Day of the Lord

I Timothy - Seeing Christ in Church Order

II Timothy - Seeing Christ in Church Crisis

Titus - Seeing Christ in Church Discipline

Philemon - Seeing Christ in Amazing Love

Hebrews - Seeing Christ As Our Apostle and High Priest

James - Seeing Christ in Living Faith

I Peter - Seeing Christ as the Shepherd of Our Souls

II Peter - Seeing Christ in His Everlasting Kingdom

I John - Seeing Christ in Christian Fellowship

II John - Seeing Christ in Fellowship: Love And Truth

III John - Seeing Christ In Hospitality

Jude - Seeing Christ Through Apostasy

Revelation - Seeing Christ as Heir of All Things


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