Prayer seems good for me, but why pray if God will do His will anyway?
Note: Someone recently asked another person this question via text. They asked me for some help in answering it. But my answer needed to be brief for a text response. This question deserves a lot more fellowship.
the mystery of prayer
Prayer is a mystery. God can do anything He wants, but He has chosen to limit himself so we can join Him on earth by prayer to accomplish what He wills in heaven. This is why He taught us to pray "Thy will be done as in heaven so upon the earth." Though God knows what will happen, that does not mean He has taken away our choice. His will is going to be accomplished, but we have the option to delay it or to pray for it.
He especially loves to answer big prayers when we pray together (see Matthew 18:18-20).
Watchman Nee's book Powerful According to God has a nice small chapter on this question. You can read that chapter (here) on the free sample for the eBook.
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