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1 John 3:19-20 - if our heart condemns us?

 Recently after sharing on 1st John a question came up to do with one of the more difficult Scriptures. 

Here's the 1 John series, this question has to do with #6 - Practicing Righteousness.

Here's the dialogue: 


Thank God and our brother for this very timely message on practical righteousness, that is so essential if we are to be in readiness for the "presence " of the Lord. However, I was left with some questions regarding the interpretation of 1 John 3:19-20. When I read verse 19, it seems to me to be a warning not to unconditionally follow the heart: In other words,other if we have a definite word from the Lord, then it takes priority over the condemnation of the heart;'likewise if our heart does approve, then we should follow the witness of the Spirit, life and peace.Perhaps our brother would offer some clarification. Again the message was a real blessing.


Amen, this is so essential to be ready for the Lord's return. :) 

Those two verses in 1 John 3:19-20 are interpreted in several ways by different believers - and by many great students of the Bible. 

There is a possibly damaging interpretation that is unfortunately common: "God is greater than our heart and knows all things" so it's okay that my "hear condemn"s me. God can handle that. --- This concept will only get us into trouble of course and create a calloused conscience.

Some of the other ways of seeing it do match up with other Scriptures and are not damaging. 

I was looking at this especially in light of practicing righteousness and the surrounding Scriptures. He shares about having boldness if our heart does not condemn us. And this boldness is to do with what we are asking in prayer (vv. 21-22). But before v.19 is the note on loving in deed and in truth. So both our actions and our answered prayers may be in view with how the heart is condemning or not. 

It seems like the heart condemning you would be a reason to stop and consider. Knowing that God is greater may be that warning that we should at least follow our conscience since He is speaking to us there by the Spirit. The boldness to move forward only comes when our heart does not condemn us. 

I would think a word from the Lord and a clear heart should match each other. But if you have a thought or word to do something but your conscience bothers you about it then you should wait and seek and possibly fellowship with others. 

Either way, to see those verses differently is very normal and we could all have a slightly different thought on how it reads. One important thing we should practice though is that our interpretation still matches other Scriptural teachings. At least that way we are not "wrong" in meaning, even if sometimes we are wrong in interpretation. Basically, it won't get us into any trouble. If an interpretation of a "difficult-to-understand" verse does not have any matches then we should handle it carefully and probably not base any major practice or thought on it. 


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