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1st John Bible Nerd-Study - Week 34

Week 34 —1st John Bible Nerd-Study

*Missed last week? Click here for 1st John Bible Nerd-Study - Week 33

DRB + Paraphrase 3:14-24 + John Wesley

Hey Bible nerds! Let's do some paraphrasing this time with a somewhat easily confused Scripture on the heart. 

John Wesley's commentary is refreshing as a break from very thorough nerdy ones. Remember his life-story and work, his much preaching and passion for souls. Riding around from town to town by horse, this man of God studied the word much, but with the heart to preach the word. Some of the scholars study and make very neat discoveries that will never make it into messages it seems. But his commentary reads a little bit more devotional. Not saying one is better, but it is nice to get this variety. Some commentaries are so thorough (long) that we've suggested finding one section to read. This one is nice and short (at least on 1 John). It's just a few sentences for each verse. So we may all be able to read through it and enjoy his full bit of notes.

Included in this post is a link to the Douay-Rheims Bible translation. This one is pretty neat, and made for the Catholic church during the Protestant Reformation time. It's original release date was just right before our 1611 KJV - but there are several English versions that arrived before 1611 which were the base of KJV - and this DRB is the Catholic response in a sense. It's based off of the Vulgate (Latin), and has its loyal followers. We may all know a few "King James only" believers who will argue very strongly against all other translations. There are some who have that same type of feeling (among the Roman Catholics mainly) for this DRB. 

Our KJV is an update of the original 1611 one - at least the type-setting (spelling). And the original DRB is a bit like the original 1611 in the odd spelling that is hard for us to read now. But the updates that happened to DRB were pretty thorough. And they brought in a lot of KJV English text as the foundation. So some feel that the value of the Latin Vulgate was a bit lost after the updates over a hundred years later. 

For that reason, I've combined 3 things in this attachment - just in case you are as fascinated at these things as I am sometimes. 1) The DRB as you find it today - let's all try to read this. 2) The DRB compared with KJV - if you have time, it's neat to see the slight adjustments. I like to do this so I can quickly skim and notice what's new or removed. 3) The original DRB! It's so fun to read the old type! - Only if you'd like to take the time. But at least glance at it. Go to the 2nd page when it gets to the actual Bible. Since you are so familiar now with 1st John you can probably actually make out most of the words just from knowing what should be in each verse. 

Happy studying!


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