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1st John Bible Nerd-Study - Week 18

Week 18—1st John Bible Nerd-Study

*Missed last week? Click here for 1st John Bible Nerd-Study - Week 17

Moffatt translation.

I've seen this on a number of Bible study shelves and have my own copy to occasional pull out and get a unique read of a book. It's not one that's in all of the Bible apps or places but you can find some online versions. I don't like them as much as the paper version since they lose his formatting. He had the verse numbers off on the side, had some paragraph breaks and other occasional changes that are important (such as in 1 John 2:12-14 or 4:5-6). So I made a PDF of 1 John for us to use in case you don't have a physical version.

1 John (Maffatt translation)

Moffatt was the executive secretary of the committee of translators for the Revised Standard Version (RSV). He was very liberal in his thinking with the Bible and too free to change things around (like moving John 14 to come after 15 and 16!). There is some value to his translation though. It's not a paraphrase but he did purpose to make it readable for someone who did not know the original culture or language.

I think his translation of 1st John will be helpful to us to have some unique wording and phrases to Scriptures that are becoming very familiar to us now.

1 John 3:18 "Dear children, let us put our love not into words or into talk but into deeds, and make it real."

1 John 2:29-3:1 "As you know he is just, be sure that everyone who practises righteousness is born of him. 'Born of him!' Think what a love the Father has for us, in letting us be called 'children of God!' And such we are. ..."

Done with this week's assignment? Click here for the next assignment.


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