Week 10—1st John Bible Nerd-Study
*Missed last week? Click here for 1st John Bible Nerd-Study - Week 9
Normal translation + 4 flashcards
Normal translation + 4 flashcards
The new feature this week is that we are going to focus on a verse each day. For Wed through Saturday, take one verse for each day starting in 1 John 1:1. We are going to "chew" on one verse all day like the Israelites ate the manna in the wilderness all day. You could prepare some of the verses today, or you could write it out tomorrow morning. Read the verse in the morning prayerfully. Pause at least once during the day and read the verse prayerfully. And before going to bed, have a last pause to read or chew on the verse.
One reason for having the verse on a flashcard is so you can carry it with you all day. You could keep it with your phone and then remember the verse each time you grab it. Or set it out at the kitchen window while doing dishes. I usually set mine out at my desk while working at the computer. Another reason for having these down on flashcards is we plan on memorizing them. You may accidentally memorize these four verses this week, but the focus is to meditate on the word.
We're searching for light in the word of God as we meditate. And we're asking Him to search us out by His word. We study the context and the truth on display, but at the same time, we allow the word to personally speak. Many times the doctrinal truth of the word is even hidden from us until we allow the personal application to come in. This is where meditating or chewing on the word as manna all day is so helpful.
Use your personal translation this week and for the flashcards. The only exception will be if your usual translation is a paraphrase-type. Then I would prayerfully consider switching translations for memorizing and meditating. For reading the Bible, something like NLT or NCV is okay. But for studying, they should be set aside. You should have something closer to a word-for-word translation instead of a thought-for-thought translation when studying. If you're not sure about a translation, please post a comment so we can talk about it.
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