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1st John Bible Nerd Study - Announcement


Here is the group link if you'd like to join:

If you are not on facebook send me a note and I'll put you on the email list for this. We have a few doing the study with us that will work via email.

Full Description 

(In case you're not on Facebook)

This is not your typical #fellowship-style #biblestudy idea nor a bible study where someone else has studied, and you learn from them. We are working through a thorough #study of #1John this year.

Here's what we hope to do in 1 year:
• Read 1st John 50 times, once each week (less than a chapter a day).
• Memorize 1st John (105 verses) This will almost happen on accident.
• Outline 1st John - straight, basic, and detailed outlines.
• Overview helps and gradually, various commentaries.
• Various word studies - some Greek lessons
• Paraphrasing and verse by verse discoveries.
• Study questions and study helps provided weekly.
• Sharing notes, questions, and fellowship as we go.
• And in general, learn how to study a book of the Bible thoroughly.

This is always too overwhelming for anyone to try and do with busy lives, but by spreading it out over one year, anyone who would like to can.

Bible reading plans are essential and excellent. This study is not to replace that but to help us move a step further. Regularly reading through the whole Bible is necessary for spiritual growth. But when you study a book of the Bible, you end up making discoveries that are not possible with a mere read-through.

Are all of your insights from messages or books? When was the last time a spiritual lightbulb clicked in the word of God, and you discovered something of Christ or understood a confusing verse for the first time? When you study the Bible in this thorough way, you pick up treasures of Christ for both you and the whole body of Christ.


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