Most of this chapter is constant (12x) repetition. If you're reading the Bible, you may skip over all of the words, just read the names and tribes mentioned and go to the end. That's if you're looking for information. But if you read each word, each silver bowl, gold pan, silver dish dedication, there's a sense of how unique each offering was. With the Lord, there is no problem with repetition. He counts each offering worth mentioning with all of the full descriptions. Sometimes when praying with others, you have the exact same prayer, and you hesitate, thinking they already prayed it. Or you are studying the word together and wanted to say the same thing that someone else just said. Or you feel whatever you have to offer to the Lord has already been offered by someone else. We have to let go of these wrong thoughts. Each offering, though it is the same weight of a "silver bowl," is valuable and worthy of the Lord mentioning it. It's your name and "tribe" that makes it unique. It's the person who offers it up, and the heart behind it that makes them all very unique and very precious in the Lord's estimation.This was the dedication-gift of the altar, on the day when it was anointed, from the princes of Israel: twelve silver dishes, twelve silver bowls, twelve cups of gold:
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